Simple Notepad is a notepad app that gives you a quick and easy note taking experience. It's not only simple and easy to use but also comes with many features: checklist, widget, reminder, password protection, search, picture attachment, share, and more!
v1.9.7 beta
✔ Checklist
✔ Password
✔ Protect app launch and note/checklist using device security feature (PIN, pattern, password) for lollipop+
✔ Reminder
✔ Widgets/shortcuts
✔ Widget customization
✔ Convert note to checklist (lines -> check items)
✔ Attach pictures from camera and gallery
✔ Search and sort
✔ Share
✔ Color title
✔ Read-only mode
✔ Upload to popular cloud storage services
✔ Auto/manual export to SD card
✔ Import .txt from SD card
✔ Archive deleted items
✔ Add to Calendar
✔ Pin to status bar (sticky reminder)
✔ Folders to group notes/checklists
✔ Send data to Google Cloud Print (experimental, download Simple Notepad Cloud Print Addon to enable it)
✔ Custom Fonts (copy .ttf files in $sdcard/simplenotepad/fonts)
✔ Local clipboard to insert frequently used texts and timestamp
✔ Customizable font and background
✔ Clickable links (url, email, phone, and map) in read-only mode
✔ Character/Word count
✔ Voice input
If you have questions, please mail me instead of using the review comment. FAQ is available in the settings.
Export/Import are not Backup/Restore. When you export a note/checklist, its text content is saved as .txt file 'without' meta data like color, priority, folder, etc.
Setting password does not delete exported notes. If you don't want to keep them, delete manually.
Moving app to the SD card disables widgets. Android does not support widgets from SD card. Moving hides shortcut icons too on reboot.
Chinese (simplified) - Cye3s
Chinese (traditional) - Ensign Lau
Croatian - Cvita
Czech - rizla, Zbynek Krivka, and DuckDaffy
Farsi - Farid (oveishasanpour)
French - Yozil, anonymous user
German - Reiner Südding, Andre Ramnitz, Frank, HB9KNS, Michael and anonymous users.
Italian - Giovanni Aneloni, Emanuele Brown
Japanese - anonymous user
Korean - 허선영, 김희재, 정성엽, Hoyeon Cho
Polish - Karol Bieńkowski, Argail
Romanian - Cristian Savin
Russian - Oleg Avilov, anonymous user
Spanish - Yamil
Swedish - Mattias (removed as of v1.8.9)
(in case your name is missing, please let me know)
Notepad sederhana adalah aplikasi notepad yang memberi Anda cepat dan mudah pencatatan pengalaman. Ini tidak hanya sederhana dan mudah digunakan, tetapi juga dilengkapi dengan banyak fitur: checklist, widget, pengingat, proteksi password, pencarian, lampiran gambar, berbagi, dan banyak lagi!
v1.9.7 beta
✔ Checklist
✔ Sandi
✔ Melindungi aplikasi peluncuran dan perhatikan / checklist menggunakan fitur keamanan perangkat (PIN, pola, password) untuk lollipop +
✔ Pengingat
✔ Widget / pintas
✔ Widget kustomisasi
✔ Convert catatan untuk checklist (garis -> centang item)
✔ Lampirkan gambar dari kamera dan galeri
✔ Cari dan semacam
✔ Share
✔ judul Warna
✔ Baca-satunya modus
✔ Upload ke layanan penyimpanan awan populer
✔ Auto / manual ekspor ke kartu SD
✔ Impor .txt dari kartu SD
✔ Arsip dihapus item
✔ Tambahkan ke Kalender
✔ Pin status bar (pengingat lengket)
✔ Folder ke grup catatan / daftar periksa
✔ Kirim data ke Google Cloud Print (percobaan, download Simple Notepad Cloud Print Addon untuk mengaktifkannya)
✔ Kustom Font (copy Ttf file dalam $ sdcard / simplenotepad / font)
✔ clipboard lokal untuk menyisipkan teks yang sering digunakan dan timestamp
✔ Font Customizable dan latar belakang
✔ link yang dapat diklik (url, email, telepon, dan peta) dalam read-only
✔ Karakter / Jumlah kata
✔ masukan Suara
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silahkan mail saya daripada menggunakan komentar ulasan. FAQ tersedia di pengaturan.
Ekspor / Impor tidak Backup / Restore. Saat Anda mengekspor catatan / checklist, konten teks yang disimpan sebagai berkas .txt 'tanpa' meta data seperti warna, prioritas, folder, dll
Menetapkan password tidak menghapus catatan diekspor. Jika Anda tidak ingin menjaga mereka, menghapus secara manual.
Pindah aplikasi ke kartu SD menonaktifkan widget. Android tidak mendukung widget dari kartu SD. Bergerak menyembunyikan shortcut ikon terlalu di reboot.
Cina (disederhanakan) - Cye3s
Cina (tradisional) - Ensign Lau
Kroasia - Cvita
Republik - Rizla, Zbynek Krivka, dan DuckDaffy
Farsi - Farid (oveishasanpour)
Perancis - Yozil, pengguna anonim
Jerman - Reiner Sudding, Andre Ramnitz, Frank, HB9KNS, Michael dan pengguna anonim.
Italia - Giovanni Aneloni, Emanuele Brown
Jepang - pengguna anonim
Korea - 허선영, 김희재, 정성엽, Hoyeon Cho
Polandia - Karol Bienkowski, Argail
Rumania - Cristian Savin
Rusia - Oleg Avilov, pengguna anonim
Spanyol - Yamil
Swedia - Mattias (dihapus karena dari v1.8.9)
(Dalam kasus nama Anda hilang, tolong beritahu saya)
Simple Notepad is a notepad app that gives you a quick and easy note taking experience. It's not only simple and easy to use but also comes with many features: checklist, widget, reminder, password protection, search, picture attachment, share, and more!
v1.9.7 beta
✔ Checklist
✔ Password
✔ Protect app launch and note/checklist using device security feature (PIN, pattern, password) for lollipop+
✔ Reminder
✔ Widgets/shortcuts
✔ Widget customization
✔ Convert note to checklist (lines -> check items)
✔ Attach pictures from camera and gallery
✔ Search and sort
✔ Share
✔ Color title
✔ Read-only mode
✔ Upload to popular cloud storage services
✔ Auto/manual export to SD card
✔ Import .txt from SD card
✔ Archive deleted items
✔ Add to Calendar
✔ Pin to status bar (sticky reminder)
✔ Folders to group notes/checklists
✔ Send data to Google Cloud Print (experimental, download Simple Notepad Cloud Print Addon to enable it)
✔ Custom Fonts (copy .ttf files in $sdcard/simplenotepad/fonts)
✔ Local clipboard to insert frequently used texts and timestamp
✔ Customizable font and background
✔ Clickable links (url, email, phone, and map) in read-only mode
✔ Character/Word count
✔ Voice input
If you have questions, please mail me instead of using the review comment. FAQ is available in the settings.
Export/Import are not Backup/Restore. When you export a note/checklist, its text content is saved as .txt file 'without' meta data like color, priority, folder, etc.
Setting password does not delete exported notes. If you don't want to keep them, delete manually.
Moving app to the SD card disables widgets. Android does not support widgets from SD card. Moving hides shortcut icons too on reboot.
Chinese (simplified) - Cye3s
Chinese (traditional) - Ensign Lau
Croatian - Cvita
Czech - rizla, Zbynek Krivka, and DuckDaffy
Farsi - Farid (oveishasanpour)
French - Yozil, anonymous user
German - Reiner Südding, Andre Ramnitz, Frank, HB9KNS, Michael and anonymous users.
Italian - Giovanni Aneloni, Emanuele Brown
Japanese - anonymous user
Korean - 허선영, 김희재, 정성엽, Hoyeon Cho
Polish - Karol Bieńkowski, Argail
Romanian - Cristian Savin
Russian - Oleg Avilov, anonymous user
Spanish - Yamil
Swedish - Mattias (removed as of v1.8.9)
(in case your name is missing, please let me know)